Whipped Butter Recipe

Restaurant Style Whipped Butter is a favorite.
Restaurant Style Whipped Butter is a favorite. from www.pinterest.com


Butter is a staple ingredient in every kitchen. It is used for baking, cooking, and as a spread on bread. However, have you ever tried whipped butter? Whipped butter is light, fluffy, and easy to spread. It is perfect for breakfast, lunch, or dinner. In this article, we will show you how to make whipped butter from scratch.


To make whipped butter, you will need the following ingredients:
  • 1 cup unsalted butter, softened
  • 1/4 cup heavy cream
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt

Unsalted Butter

It is important to use unsalted butter in this recipe because it allows you to control the amount of salt in the butter. If you use salted butter, your whipped butter may turn out too salty.

Heavy Cream

Heavy cream adds richness and flavor to the whipped butter. It also helps to make the whipped butter light and fluffy.


A pinch of salt enhances the flavor of the butter. However, if you are watching your sodium intake, you can omit the salt.


Now that you have all of the ingredients, let's get started on making whipped butter.

Step 1: Soften the Butter

The first step is to soften the butter. Leave the butter out at room temperature for at least an hour. The butter should be soft to the touch but not melted.

Step 2: Whip the Butter

Once the butter is softened, place it in a mixing bowl. Using an electric mixer, beat the butter on medium speed for 2-3 minutes. This will help to make the butter light and fluffy.

Step 3: Add the Heavy Cream and Salt

Next, add the heavy cream and salt to the bowl. Beat the mixture on medium-high speed for another 2-3 minutes. The whipped butter should be light, fluffy, and easy to spread.

Step 4: Store the Whipped Butter

Transfer the whipped butter to an airtight container and store it in the refrigerator. The whipped butter will keep for up to two weeks.


One serving of whipped butter (1 tablespoon) contains:
  • 102 calories
  • 11 grams of fat
  • 7 grams of saturated fat
  • 31 milligrams of cholesterol
  • 24 milligrams of sodium


Whipped butter is high in calories because it is made with butter and heavy cream. If you are watching your calorie intake, you should use whipped butter sparingly.


Whipped butter is high in fat, with 11 grams per serving. However, most of the fat is unsaturated, which is the healthy kind of fat.


Whipped butter is also high in cholesterol, with 31 milligrams per serving. If you are watching your cholesterol intake, you may want to use whipped butter sparingly.


Whipped butter is low in sodium, with only 24 milligrams per serving. This makes it a good option for people who are watching their sodium intake.


Whipped butter is a delicious alternative to regular butter. It is light, fluffy, and easy to spread. Plus, it is easy to make from scratch with just a few ingredients. Give this recipe a try and see for yourself how delicious whipped butter can be.

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