Farmhouse Sauerkraut Recipe

Why We Love Farmhouse Culture's Sauerkraut Bon Appétit
Why We Love Farmhouse Culture's Sauerkraut Bon Appétit from


Sauerkraut is a traditional dish that has been consumed for centuries. It is made by fermenting cabbage with salt and water, resulting in a tangy and crunchy side dish. Farmhouse sauerkraut is a variation of this classic recipe that incorporates carrots, onions, and apples for a sweet and savory flavor. In this article, we will provide you with a detailed recipe for making farmhouse sauerkraut at home.


To make farmhouse sauerkraut, you will need the following ingredients: - 1 head of cabbage, thinly sliced - 1 large carrot, grated - 1 onion, thinly sliced - 1 apple, grated - 2 tablespoons of sea salt - 1 tablespoon of caraway seeds (optional)


Follow these steps to make farmhouse sauerkraut: 1. Begin by slicing the cabbage thinly and placing it in a large bowl. Add the grated carrot, thinly sliced onion, and grated apple to the bowl. 2. Sprinkle the sea salt over the vegetables and use your hands to massage it into the mixture. This will help to release the natural juices from the vegetables. 3. Add the caraway seeds, if desired, and mix well. 4. Transfer the mixture to a large glass jar or crock, pressing down firmly with a wooden spoon to remove any air pockets. 5. Cover the jar with a lid or plastic wrap and let it sit at room temperature for at least 24 hours. During this time, the natural bacteria on the vegetables will begin to ferment the mixture. 6. After 24 hours, check the sauerkraut to see if it has released enough liquid to cover the vegetables. If not, add a little water to cover the mixture. 7. Replace the lid or plastic wrap and let the sauerkraut ferment for 3-4 days at room temperature. Check it daily to ensure that the vegetables are fully submerged in liquid. 8. After 3-4 days, taste the sauerkraut to determine if it has reached your desired level of tanginess. If not, let it ferment for an additional 1-2 days. 9. Once the sauerkraut is fully fermented, transfer it to the refrigerator to slow down the fermentation process. It will keep in the refrigerator for several months.


Farmhouse sauerkraut is a healthy and nutritious side dish that is low in calories and high in fiber. It is also rich in vitamins C and K, as well as probiotics that help to support a healthy gut microbiome. One serving of farmhouse sauerkraut (1/2 cup) contains approximately: - 13 calories - 3 grams of carbohydrates - 1 gram of fiber - 1 gram of protein - 0 grams of fat


Making farmhouse sauerkraut at home is a simple and rewarding process that results in a delicious and healthy side dish. With just a few simple ingredients and some patience, you can create a tangy and flavorful sauerkraut that can be enjoyed on its own or as a topping for sandwiches, salads, and more. Give this recipe a try and enjoy the many health benefits of this traditional dish!

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